For all our wonderful fans. And let it be magical, happy and full with laughter.
And what is in your bag? Beauty is a very important power, isnt it? 🙂
And new Pookie painting joined our gallery…
Maria and Pookie appeared in a wonderful Beamused magazine. This is a Russian version (English one is also coming out)
You can read it here:
Beamused magazine
Wonderful Chinese agency is promoting Pookie book on the Chinese, Japanese and Korean market. We are happy to announce that Pookie going global 🙂
We are happy to notice one of the best selling items in our Pookie shop, bag for yarn for knitting.
And of course new released bag for wedding – just put all your prensents there!
Sometimes… you need a completely different view on the world. It helps to put the things in the right perspective 🙂
Pookie is of course busy with a World Domination 🙂
Stress is such a funny thing. Now before end of the year everybody is “preparing” for the End of the World 🙂 Well, Pookie has a completely different idea about it.
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