Our competition is finally ended and we are happy to present you the funniest photos for the voting.
You can choose 3 favorites from here https://www.pookies-world.com/?page_id=470
Voting is open till 30 of November!
New, based on a famous russian fairy tale written by Pushkin 🙂 ….
“On seashore far a green oak towers,
And to it with a gold chain bound,
A learned cat whiles away the hours
By walking slowly round and round.
To right he walks, and sings a ditty;
To left he walks, and tells a tale…
A strange place! There a mermaid sits in
A tree; there prowls a sprite; on trails
Unknown to man move beasts unseen by His eyes…”
We are happy to announce that Pookie will be appearing at the Brand Licensing Europe 2013, 15-17 October in London.
We are ready to take over the world 🙂
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