Great news!

Wonderful website cooperated with me and licensed some of my PookieCat illustrations and created great cross-stitch patters for sale!

So go fast and get yourself something you like!–k9lQ5fCUF6JonZNyquCaAJn9DCaRdlnw

First book in series

Sharing wonderful news!

First book in series of 3 featuring PookieCat – “Yoga with Cats” is coming out in February this year. This is even double exciting, because it is finally book in English! Two more books will be following – “Yoga with Dogs” and “Yoga outdoors”. I will be also arriving at Frankfurt book fair this year, so I hope for more inspiration!

Happy New Year 2019!

New release!

Dear fans and supporters!

First of all thank you for being amazing, and making Cat-chy Oracle deck possible!
Your decks are just arrived today, and being prepared for shipping next week – which means we are two and a half month before the promised shipping dates! (AGAIN  )

Now to a very happy news – my new “Big things in small packages” full Tarot deck is going live on Kickstarter next Tuesday – 26 of June!
There are lots of exciting pledges (including full sets of all of my published cards) – so please take a moment, and maybe you will find something you like!


Happy Passover!

And not to forget, of course!

Help me to test a new project!

Wohoo my new project is finally starting to take a shape. I also need your help PRETTY PLEASE!!!

So – here it is. First letter of alphabet which is not only fun, but also interactive. Please scan the QR code, and than press on the image, to hear different words 🙂 (we still need to an “artist” there, and sound of the letter itself).

For those who using Chrome on the Android: Have to copy and paste this link in the android chrome if there is no sound : chrome://flags/#disablegesture-requirement-for-media-playback

And for those who don”t use a smart phone, and cant use QR code – here is a link for you to try it out.

Please let me know if it is working okay!!!

Happy 8 of March!

Happy 8 of March!
Just be yourself

PookieCat Rune cards Kickstarter live!

HUGE drum roll and red ribbon cutting!
I thought it would be best moms day present for me LOL
PookieCat runes Kickstarter is finally live and you can choose your pledge here. I made sure to add lots of different possibilities and lots of wonderful Stretch goals! Wish us luck! 🙂 Please take a moment to support us if possible and share if you can! Every pledge matters! xoxoxox


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