Wonderful website Allsewcrafty.com cooperated with me and licensed some of my PookieCat illustrations and created great cross-stitch patters for sale!
So go fast and get yourself something you like!
Sharing wonderful news!
First book in series of 3 featuring PookieCat – “Yoga with Cats” is coming out in February this year. This is even double exciting, because it is finally book in English! Two more books will be following – “Yoga with Dogs” and “Yoga outdoors”. I will be also arriving at Frankfurt book fair this year, so I hope for more inspiration!
Some time ago, when my life was more a reminder of a painful mess – I started a little sketchbook, which was called “Magic transformation’. Each page was concentrated about simple magic you could bring to your life – and make things change in the way you want them to be.
For example – you was missing a good luck in your life? Just write a “good luck” on a small piece of paper – and put it in your pocket. Now luck is in your pocket
Things are out of control? Take your keyboard, put it on a piece of paper. Write “everything” under Ctrl key. You see? Now “everything is in control”
Those tiny things seems to be silly, and funny, but amazingly enough all of them are really worked. Even my new biography that I wrote back than – practically came through (besides the castle and unicorns, of course haha), practically to the last point. Everything from this tiny sketchbook worked so well – it got published several years later and was a huge bestseller
So now, I think I am ready to write my new biography
I think it is time to make it happen again, right?
Would you like to join me and bring some extra magic to your life?
Than take a new piece of paper and start – make it as colorful and amazing as possible! Because it is definitely going to work.
In a close couple of weeks I will be starting my group for “Magic transformation” sketchbook.
Seminar will include weekly “magic sketches” that should help you to transform your life and bring your career to a new level. Tips and tricks “of the trade” will be included as well.
Would you like to join me? Than go ahead send me your request to [email protected] to add you to this group. Places are limited – so hurry up!
First of all thank you for being amazing, and making Cat-chy Oracle deck possible!
Your decks are just arrived today, and being prepared for shipping next week – which means we are two and a half month before the promised shipping dates! (AGAIN )
Now to a very happy news – my new “Big things in small packages” full Tarot deck is going live on Kickstarter next Tuesday – 26 of June!
There are lots of exciting pledges (including full sets of all of my published cards) – so please take a moment, and maybe you will find something you like!
And not to forget, of course!
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